OFFICIAL SARSAPARILLA (Smilax) - is a wild crafted herb that grows naturally in South America and the Caribbean and it draws all of its nutrients from the earth naturally. OFFICIAL SARSAPARILLA is not farmed or sprayed with any kind of pesticide. It's grown on its own strictly through nature with no interference from man. OFFICIAL SARSAPARILLA contains a wealth of plant elements that are beneficial to the human body.
Preparation (How to Use): Boil OFFICIAL SARSAPARILLA preferably in spring. 1/4 Cup of OFFICIAL SARSAPARILLA to 1 liter or water. Boil at medium to high heat for 15-25 minute. OFFICIAL SARSAPARILLA can be used 5-7 times or more until it loses its color. You can drink unsweetened or add agave or date sugar. Keep in mind that processed sugar is not ideal for healthy circulation so use alkaline sweeteners if possible.