OFFICIAL PALO MULATO (Bursera simaruba L.) - is a wild crafted herb that grows naturally in Jamaica and it draws all of its nutrients from the earth naturally. Official Palo Mulato bark is referred to by Common Names: Gumbolimbo, gumbo-limbo, West Indian birch, tourist tree, turpentine tree, gommier blanc, chaca, palo chino, palo mulato, palo jiote, carate, carana, Indio desnudo, almacigo, almacigo blanco, almacigo colorado, bois d'encens, chique, fragon caranne, gommier blanc, gommier rouge, jobo.
OFFICIAL PALO MULATO: 1 Tsp of OFFICIAL PALO MULATO or 1/2 Tsp OFFICIAL PALO MULATO in 1 cup of boiling water. Let steep 10 to 15 minutes. Sweeten if desired.