OFFICIAL DANDELION LEAVES: is a wild crafted herb that grows naturally in Jamaica and it draws all of its nutrients from the earth naturally. OFFICIAL DANDELION ROOT is not farmed or sprayed with any kind of pesticide. It's grown on its own strictly through nature with no interference from man. Other common names: Blowball, Cankerwort, Cochet, Common Dandelion, Couronne de Moine, Dandelion Extract, Dandelion Herb, Délice Printanier, Dent-de-Lion, Diente de Leon, Dudal, Endive Sauvage, Fausse Chicorée, Florin d'Or, Florion d'Or, Ghasedak, Herba Taraxaci, Laitue de Chien, Leontodon taraxacum, Lion's Teeth, Lion's Tooth, Piss-a-bed, Pisse au Lit, Pissenlit, Pissenlit Vulgaire, Priest's Crown, Pu Gong Ying, Red-Seed Dandelion, Salade de Taupe, Swine Snout, Taraxaci Herba, Taraxacum, Taraxacum dens-leonis, Taraxacum laevigatum, Taraxacum mongolicum, Taraxacum officinale, Taraxacum sinicum, Taraxacum vulgare, Tête de Moine, Wild Endive.