OFFICIAL CHEW STICK bark (Gouania Lupuloides): is a wild crafted bark that grows naturally in Jamaica and it draws all of its nutrients from the earth naturally. OFFICIAL CHEW STICK is not farmed or sprayed with any kind of pesticide. It's grown on its own strictly through nature with no interference from man. OFFICIAL CHEW STICK is used as a popular Jamaican roots tonic. Other common names: Four Man’s Strength, Stiff Cock, Poor Man Strength, Broom Head)
OFFICIAL CHEW STICK: Natural way to clean the teeth. Proceed to chew on the tip of the bark but be aware that it might take some time to get used to the slightly bitter taste of the chew stick. You will also notice that the tip will become frothy and exude foam but do not be alarmed as this foamy substance will do wonders for the teeth and mouth.
Roots Soak 1oz OFFICIAL CHEW STICK BARK overnight, then boiled in 4 cups of water for 15 to 20 minutes, strain and Sweeten if desired. Can be re- boiled.