OFFICIAL BOIS BANDE Bark (Parinari campestris) - is a wild crafted herb that grows naturally in Trinidad and it draws all of its nutrients from the earth naturally. OFFICIAL BOIS BANDE Bark is referred to by Common Names: Bah-ban-day, Erect wood, Hard wood, etc. Bois Bandé (French spelling or bwa bandé, Creole spelling) is the bark of the Richeria grandis tree. It has had a long reputation in the Caribbean as an aphrodisiac. The name "Bois Bande" means "Erect wood" from the French, bois (wood) + bander (to have an erection). There are no documented harmful side effects, however we suggest using in moderation as legend has it some users having a “really hard time” because they used too much or too concentrated. Although this product is popular for its potency, Typically used in alcohol or as a hot beverage. Typically used in alcohol or as a hot beverage. For about 300 years, tropical men and women have been brewing a herbal tea from the bark of a unique, tropical herb known as Bois Bande (Richeria grandis ) the men of the tropics who drink this herbal tea.